About Us
Our Mission
The Graduate School’s Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) is named after Dean Emeritus Dr. Tom Reynolds, who served as Associate Provost of Graduate Programs and Dean of the Graduate School from 2002 to 2023. The CGLL supports a unique population of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in an inclusive, welcoming environment. Our professional development programming covers five key areas: ethics and scholarly inquiry, communication, leadership, cultural engagement, and teaching. Initiatives include workshops led by potential employers and other collaborators, peer mentoring, fellowships, competitions, experiential learning opportunities, and credit-bearing elective courses. We also support well-being through community-building social events, affinity group meetings, and by advocating for Charlotte’s graduate students and postdocs.
Communicating with clarity and persuasion through scholarly and peer reviewed publications, grant writing, public speaking, group discussions and interpersonal relationships.
Through sponsored events like the Graduate Research Symposium and programs such as the Graduate Life Fellowship, the CGLL provides many opportunities to develop students’ ability to mentor, motivate, inspire, and lead.

Understanding how to help others learn in a variety of settings is a priceless life skill. Students learn how to address the challenges of non-traditional settings and create dynamic learning in any environment using the latest instructional methods and technologies.
Employers in today’s increasingly global market seek employees who possess the intercultural fluency to accomplish more with diverse teams. Through the CGLL’s programs and courses, students learn valuable skills that will help ensure their success.

Becoming an effective researcher requires the right tools, the right processes and a rigorous attention to ethics. Through the CGLL, students learn to apply software tools in research and acquire skills that reflect commitment to diverse ideas, academic collegiality, and continuous learning.