Accelerate to Industry

Accelerate to Industry (A2i) is a workforce development program that allows graduate students to explore diverse career paths with our industry partners in the Charlotte region and beyond. This program offers a variety of modules that teach students how to transfer the skills they’ve acquired in their degree programs to meet the needs and challenges of industry. From one-day company site visits to semester-long team projects, A2i creates a host of meaningful interactions between sponsor companies and top Charlotte graduate students and postdocs.

Interested in presenting an A2i talk or workshop? Contact Dr. Jill Huerta (

Spring 2024 A2i SCHEDULE

April 5PA2i Professional Storytelling Advice from AccentureMilan Damani, Accenture’s Managing Director & COO, Global Delivery Leader,  Chloé Human, a Charlotte alumna now in Strategy & Consulting, and Peyton Watson, Management Consulting Senior Analyst 

Corporate Participants