Accelerate to Industry: Job Search Strategies: The Seven Ingredients to Success

Event Date:
October 16, 2020 – 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
10.16 | Novant Health | The Seven Ingredients to Success
Kim Henderson, Chief of Staff to CEO, SVP of Executive Leadership Development
Kim Henderson is currently the chief of staff to the CEO of Novant Health. In addition to her role as chief of staff, she is the senior vice president of executive leadership development for the system. As chief of staff, Kim maintains high level oversight of the Novant Health board of trustees and executive team. Through this, she assists the CEO with internal and external strategy discussions, influences business execution within the CEO suite, and leads project initiatives within the CEO’s team. In addition to her role at Novant Health, Kim is currently serving her second term as the membership chair for Women Executives. She has served on the Fletcher School Board of Trustees since 2016 and has recently accepted the role of leadership development chair for the American Heart Association for 2020, where she also serves on the Charlotte board.
This session is relevant to students and postdocs of all disciplines, so Register Here!
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